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Protect Your Eyes. Protect Your Health.

Three things to remember about eye safety next time you head out the door for vacation.

Say Goodbye to Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are actually very common. Check out some of these common symptoms and possible causes. Once you understand the culprit, you can begin to...

Take the Next Step in Your Eye Health Journey

August is National Eye Exam Month, the perfect time to schedule your annual eye exam. Regular eye exams are vital for detecting early signs of...

UV Protection 101

As the weather warms up, it's crucial to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses. Many people don't realize the year-round risks...

Keep Your Future Bright

Cataracts, which cloud the eye's natural lens, can severely impact vision and quality of life, potentially leading to blindness if untreated. June, Cataract Awareness Month,...

Stroke Awareness Month

Spotting stroke warning signs using the F.A.S.T. acronym, emphasizing the importance of quick action. Discover additional visual symptoms and lifestyle factors contributing to stroke risk....

Hormones and Eye Health

As individuals age, hormone-related vision changes become more prevalent. Discover how hormone imbalances affect vision, from pregnancy to menopause. Stay informed and seek expert advice...

Love Your Eyes, Protect Your Eyes!

Protect your eyes at work! 2,000+ daily injuries can be avoided with proper eye care. From manual labor to desk jobs or parenting, wear safety...

Healthy Eyes Start with a Healthy Heart

Discover the surprising connection between heart and eye health. Learn how proper heart function ensures oxygen reaches your eyes, crucial for maintaining vision. Regular check-ups...

Glaucoma Awareness Month and the Importance of Annual Eye Exams

Discover the importance of Glaucoma Awareness Month and why annual eye exams are crucial for early detection and management of glaucoma.

Can Glaucoma be Prevented?

Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve, typically caused by an increase in fluid that increases pressure on the eye. According to...

Emergency Eye Care vs Routine – What’s the Difference?

In many cases, your eye doctor can provide the help you need. This is especially important right now to reduce impacts on busy ERs due...

Diabetes and Your Eye Health

With about 37 million people in the U.S. having diabetes, the chances are good that someone you know, or maybe even you, has this disease. Diabetes can...

Unmasking Dry Eye: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions

This comprehensive guide by EyeOptics Optometry Center sheds light on the enigmatic world of dry eye, offering insights into its causes, symptoms, and effective solutions.

Use Your Benefits Before They Expire

Have new or unused vision benefits? Follow these three tips to get the most out of your vision plan. That means low out-of-pocket costs while seeing your...

Beat the Rush!

Just like your end-of-the-year holiday planning, it’s also a busy time for your eye doctors.

Take the Next Step in Your Eye Health Journey

Eye exams are talked about all year-long in your eye doctor’s office, but they are especially pertinent in August, National Eye Exam Month. Regular eye...

Back-to-School List: Pencils, Books, and an Eye Exam

As the summer slowly fades away, back-to-school planning is in high gear....

3 Ways to Protect Your Eyes on Vacation

Summer is the perfect time to head to the mountains, relax on the beach of visit family and friends.

Your Eye Health Matters

May is Healthy Vision Month! Did you know that there are multiple ways you can promote healthy vision?

How Safe Is It To Rinse Your Eyes With Tap Water?

While many people turn to tap water to rinse their eyes, it may not always be safe. Find out when to use water, and what...

Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health

Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and...

Presbyopia and Multifocal Contact Lenses

Blurry vision over age 40? Skip the reading glasses. Find out why multifocal contact lenses are ideal for presbyopia.

This Winter, Don’t Let Dry Eyes Get the Best of You

The struggle against dry eye every winter is real. Fortunately there are eye treatments and home remedies to relieve symptoms....

Autoimmune Disease and Dry Eye: Is There a Connection?

Having an autoimmune disease like Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can affect your tear production and eye health.

What Is an Oct Scan and Why Is It Important for My Eye Health?

This special test that eye doctors use to take pictures of the inside of your eyes is usually done in the doctor's office; it's painless...

Eye Exam Saves Woman’s Life by Detecting Brain Tumor Early

Here's how eye exams helped save Katie's vision and quality of life. Call EyeOptics Optometry Center to schedule your appointment.

Protect Your Eyes With These Contact Lens Safety Tips

It's Contact Lens Safety Month, which makes it the perfect time to brush up on ways to keep your eyes and vision healthy when wearing...

Are Contact Lenses Safe For My Child?

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to protect your child’s vision. But you may be wondering if contact lenses are safe...

Are You Suddenly Seeing Dark Spots? Here’s What You Should Do

Seeing floaters is common and usually nothing to worry about. Yet there are times when floaters are a sign of a serious eye condition. Here’s...

3 Effective Ways to Relieve Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions in the world, yet many people put up with the discomfort, even though it's...

Eye Exams and the Health of Your Mind and Body

Everyone's heard the adage that "the eyes are the window to the soul." But did you know that they can also be a primary window...

5 Eye Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Here are 5 eye symptoms that you should never ignore. Call EyeOptics Optometry Center without delay if you or a loved one experiences any of...

Start The Year Right With A Pediatric Eye Exam

Every child should have a comprehensive eye exam before the start of the new school year. Just as you wouldn’t consider sending them to school without...

Can I Be Blinded By A Nerf® Gun?

Did you know that Nerf® guns, a supposedly safe children’s toy, have been shown to cause eye injury in certain cases? What makes them so...

Hyperopia and Your Child

Hyperopia affects near vision in children and young adults. Want to know more about hyperopia? Here we explain ways to recognize the condition and help...

Can Cataract Surgery Prevent Dementia?

Cataract surgery not only improves vision. Research suggests that cataract surgery may also prevent cognitive decline.

Myopia and Contact Lenses

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is about more than just poor eyesight. It can also pose a long-term threat to your kid’s vision and eye health....

What Exactly is an Eye Chart?

At some point in our lives, we've all had our eyes examined using an eye chart – whether during a school screening or at the...

Bloodshot Eyes – Should You Be Concerned?

Bloodshot eyes can be harmless, but may also be a sign of an underlying eye condition.

Concerned About Macular Degeneration? – Here Are 6 Tips to Lower your Risk

Macular degeneration is a major cause of vision loss. Here are 6 ways to help lower your risk of developing this sight-threatening condition.

What’s Your Optometrist Role in Cataract Surgery?

If you’ve been diagnosed with cataracts, your optometrist will monitor its progression and manage your symptoms. Once you need surgery, your optometrist can direct you...

5 Vision-Saving Tips for National Save Your Vision Month

This March, in honor of National Save Your Vision Month, we’ve compiled a list of 5 essential ways to help you keep your eyes healthy...

Are Sore, Itchy Eyes a Sign of COVID-19?

There are many reasons why your eyes may feel itchy and sore. However, new research suggests that these symptoms can also be linked to COVID-19.

10 Ways to Give Your Eyes Some Love This Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to give your eyes some love. Here are 10 ways you can give your eyes the...

Why Is My Eyelid Twitching?

An eyelid twitch can develop for a number of reasons, and most of the time it’s not a cause for concern. Find out what may...

5 Ways to Protect and Improve Your Child’s Eyesight

Your children's vision is their primary window into the world around them. Keeping their eyesight healthy is an important part of allowing them to experience...

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Eyesight

Did you know that pregnancy hormones can affect your vision? Read on to learn about the possible visual changes that some women may experience while...

What Is the Long-Term Impact of Virtual Learning on Children’s Eyes?

For many children, learning via a digital device has become routine, and their eyes are paying the price. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize digital...

7 Tips to Keep Your Vision Healthy and Clear

Creating healthy living habits is a great way to preserve your vision throughout your lifetime. These can help keep your eyes healthy and your vision...

Do You Get Blurred Vision After Eating?

If you've noticed that your vision turns hazy after enjoying a meal, you may have an early stage of diabetes mellitus. Here's how your optometrist...

5 Important Eye Care Tips For Kids

Eye care is just as important for children as it is for adults. The sooner you teach your children how to care for their eyes,...

A Visit to the Emergency Room or Your Optometrist?

When the emergency is related to your eyes, consider a trip to your optometrist's office instead of the ER. Here's why.

How to Deal with Contact Lens Discomfort

Do your eyes become irritated and itchy when you wear contact lenses? Could be dry eye syndrome, allergies or the contact lenses themselves. Read on...

What To Do if a Mosquito Bites Your Eyelid

Mosquito bites are annoying but on the eyelid they can be particularly uncomfortable and even impact your vision. Find out what you can do to...

6 Ways To Maintain Eye Health If You’re Over 50

As we age our eyes start to change, but that doesn’t mean you have to struggle with declining vision. Find out what you can do...

Back-To-School: Why Eye Exams Are More Important Than Ever

Although COVID is still present in our lives, we are slowly returning to a semi-normal life. With so many disruptions this past year, the one...

Is It Really That Bad to Sleep or Shower In Contact Lenses?

If you wear contact lenses, you likely appreciate the freedom it provides. But did you know that wearing contact lenses in water or while sleeping...

What Eye Drops Are Best For My Eyes?

Choosing the right eye drops to relieve dry eye syndrome can be a real challenge, as there are several brands and products on the market....

Childhood Myopia Is in Crisis Mode on a Global Scale

More and more children are being diagnosed with myopia, a common refractive error associated with developing serious eye diseases later in life, such as macular...

Sunglasses: Protect Your Peepers

June brings with it, not only the first day of summer, but also National Sunglasses Day.

Why Are Dilated Eye Exams So Important?

Dilated eye exams make it possible for eye doctors to better assess your eye health and are the only way to detect certain eye diseases.

May is Healthy Vision Month

What does that mean for you? It means that now is the time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. Find out why.

Multifocal Contact Lenses For People Over 40

Multifocal contact lenses can help people with presbyopia (age-related farsightedness) see clearly, whether focusing on close or distant objects.

Why Does Bono Always Wear His Signature Shades?

Ever wonder why rock superstar Bono wears sunglasses, even when indoors? It's not due to his "look", but rather is related to managing his glaucoma.

What You Should Know About Eye Herpes

Eye herpes can cause several uncomfortable symptoms and recurring flare-ups. In extreme cases, it can lead to blindness. Discover how your eye doctor can help.

Are You Susceptible To Vision Loss?

Many factors contribute to vision loss, some of which may even be relevant to you. Read on to learn what puts a person at risk...

How Sleep Apnea Affects The Eyes

Sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure and heart failure; it also causes eye-related issues. Find out how your eye condition may be linked...